How to grow potatoes from sprouts

Growing potatoes from sprouts is a depthless technology by which elite varieties of this healthy nightshade culture are bred. This method is effective and involves the cultivation of potatoes with an insufficient number of planting potato tubers. Growing potatoes from sprouts is an inexpensive method, if you do not take into account labor costs at the preparatory stage and when planting plants on beds.

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Growing potatoes from sprouts


Planting potatoes with sprouts has several advantages, in contrast to the traditional method. It is necessary to clearly know this technology in order to harvest a good crop.

If the initial seedling planting is implied, then germination must begin 30-45 days before planting. If you plant sprouted stems directly in the soil, it is recommended that spring vernalization be started 20-25 days before planting.

Sprouting stages:

  • sort through potato tubers if there are rotten or with signs of disease;
  • planting material should be placed on shelves or in special containers in one layer in a well-lit room with an air temperature of 15 to 18 ° C and a humidity of about 93%.

It must be remembered that care must be taken to ensure that the sun’s rays do not fall on the tubers.It should also be noted that the room temperature did not drop below 10 ° C, since the germination process can slow down significantly and planting plants on the site may be delayed.

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K The advantages of cultivating this vegetable by a tubless-free method include:

  • a small amount of planting material is required (3-5 times less than with traditional planting);
  • is used for the rapid cultivation of elite varietal varieties of potatoes (for 1-2 growing periods);
  • the ability to update from mouth, since a large number of diseases that affect the tuber are not transmitted through the sprout);
  • with the right technology and proper care, a high yield is observed.


Propagating potatoes from sprouts also has some disadvantages. Therefore, such points also need to be considered at the preparatory stage.

  • high labor costs, which imply almost individual work with each plant in the garden, so only gardeners can grow potato seedlings, since this method is not suitable for industrial enterprises;
  • it is necessary to take into account the special requirements for soil on the site and adhere to the recommendations for care, since the potato from the shoots does not have enough micronutrients, the stems are weak and need a well-fertilized soil;
  • create the necessary conditions for I have to sprout potatoes on time.

It is also very important to think over and prepare a place for germinating seedlings. The plant sprout should receive a sufficient amount of light, moisture and heat.

Varieties of sprouts

Potato sprouts form two types: light and shadow. A shadow sprout develops when storing potatoes in a basement or in another shaded, cold place. Such sprouts are characterized by the fragility and pallor of the stems.

See also  Common varieties of red potatoes

A light sprout is formed during the germination of a tuber in the light in a room with room temperature. It is very important that the room was without direct sunlight on plants. For such sprouts, the strength of the shoots is characteristic, they are rough, dark in color.

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There are two types of sprouts

Light potato sprouts are best planted for varieties of medium and medium late ripeness.

Shadow shoots are best used when there is not enough planting material, since weak plants grow from such stems.

One peephole of potato gives 2 to 4 shoots that can be used to ensure that the planting is sufficiently productive. Many gardeners advise first to shoot the seedlings a little seedling or plant directly in the soil on the site.

Landing in the ground

It is recommended to plant light shoots with segments from 5 to 12 cm. Planting begins at a soil temperature of at least 10 and good humidity.

Stages of planting:

  1. Sprouts must be broken off, after which treatment with growth stimulants is recommended so that the plant grows up. For this, the drug Heteroauxin is used.
  2. On the site, make grooves with row spacings from 60 to 70 cm, and between bushes – about 15 cm. Pour some water into each groove.
  3. Each plant should position in the groove to a depth of 6 to 8 cm so that the sprout is directed downward. Some vegetable growers plant shoots directed upwards, but, according to reviews, they dig up the first potato much later than the one that is planted by shoots down.
See also  Permissible depth for planting potatoes

This method of planting will allow you to get a large number of potato bushes, which in turn will lead to high yields with a small amount of seed material. If the potato does not have sprouted segments, it can be used for cooking or planted as seed material, but such a tuber will grow two weeks later than grown by germination.


Planting by germination requires careful and proper care. Before planting sprouted potatoes, you should well loosen the soil, moisten it, add nutrients, you can use humus. Depending on the variety, soil type group, as well as climatic conditions, the main agrotechnical methods are used.

Potato shoots do not have tubers, from which they can feed on useful trace elements and substances at the initial stage of vegetation. Therefore, proper care should be taken:

  • to organize watering in the dry summer period;
  • regularly to carry out hilling (loosening the soil)
  • to combat harmful insects and weeds plants;
  • to carry out timely introduction of feeding solutions.

Failure to observe the fundamentals of agrotechnics for growing nightshade crops and the rules of care can lead to low productivity. Breeding potatoes from shoots requires special care, which is one of the disadvantages of this technique.


Growing potatoes from sprouts is an affordable and simple method of nightshade farming. The advantage of this method is that there is little seed, and with proper care, the crop is almost always high.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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