Rosar’s potatoes have long been known to the general public. It was bred in Germany. It has high quality and taste indicators. Since 1996, the culture has been included in the breeding register of Russia.
- Characteristics of the potato
- Pros and Cons
- Fertility <
- Agricultural Requirements
- Soil preparation
- Preparation of seed
- Planting <
- Care <
- Harvesting
- Pest Control
- Final Part
Characteristics of the potato
Rosar potato is different from other potatoes crops in the color of tubers. In two adjacent bushes, the tubers can be dark red or pink. On average, one potato weighs 100-130 g. The description in the selection register says that all tubers have an even structure, the same size.
Rosar’s potato variety is widely used by consumers. The low starch content in root crops makes it possible to make dried raw materials from potato tubers. The potato is not boiled and has excellent taste.
Description of the plant:
- semi-sprawling bushes;
- the stems are straight, medium height;
- the inflorescences are pink-violet;
- the shape of the root crops is oblong, oval, medium size;
- the potato is covered with a smooth peel, with a slight roughness;
- the flesh is painted in light yellow.
Rosar’s potato belongs to early varieties. From the time of planting to obtaining a full crop, 65-70 days pass. The biggest advantage is resistance to mechanical damage, the potatoes are perfectly stored and can withstand long transport, despite the early ripening. Often, early-ripening varieties are stored much worse than others.
Pros and cons
Among the advantages of Rosara distinguish:
- relative resistance to fungal diseases;
- good taste;
- early ripening: 70 days after planting;
- high yield – from 1 ha you can collect 300-500 kg, depending on cultivation zones;
- no need for frequent changes of planting material.
Among the minuses, many gardeners note that potatoes of this variety are not suitable for frying and are too large susceptibility to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle. Nevertheless, this is one of the varieties that do not require special care. In Russia, Rosara is the most popular variety of potato crops, and a detailed description of this is confirmed.
If you meet all the requirements of agricultural technology, from one hundred parts you can get up to 500 kg of excellent quality potatoes. The main thing is that the yield indicators will be maintained for 4-5 years, without changing the seed material. Harvest is not affected by weather conditions.
The variety gives the highest productivity in middle latitudes. According to reviews of farmers growing the variety in the northern latitudes, even with a significant temperature difference, there is no decrease in quality indicators, the yield does not fall. High resistance to many diseases is the key to obtaining good potatoes.
Agricultural requirements
In order to get root crops with excellent taste and quality indicators, it is necessary to comply with agrotechnical requirements. Usually, seed potatoes left over from the previous harvest are used for planting. But, over time, it will be necessary to change it, otherwise degeneration will begin: the potatoes will become smaller every year. Without renewing, Rosara seeds can be used for 5 consecutive years.
Soil preparation
Most types of potatoes are fastidious to the soil composition, Rosara is no exception. Soil preparation begins in the autumn, after harvesting.Sandy and loamy soil is perfect for growing crops.
First of all, you should prepare a site for planting. It is not recommended to plant potatoes in the same place for several years in a row. Every year you should change the location. It is best to plant potatoes where such crops as flax, legumes, cucumbers, winter crops, cabbage grew. The site should be well lit.
All weeds and tops should be removed. Dig the earth, make organic fertilizers. In spring, you need to re-dig the earth, add superphosphates or urea. When planting, it is recommended to put a tablespoon of ash in each hole. Soil is most often used for fertilizing:
- phosphorus;
- humus;
- manure;
- ash;
- potassium compounds.
Preparation of seed material
To grow a rich crop, you need to properly select the seed material. It should be dense, even potatoes, without visible damage and softened areas. Cracks and growths can be a sign of infection with a fungal disease, respectively, such a tuber, you need to immediately weed out. Before germination, seed potatoes should be stored in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight, at a temperature of 4 ℃. The size of potatoes should not exceed the size of a chicken egg.
Description of the variety and its qualitative characteristics allows root crops to be planted sprouted and not sprouted.In the second case, planting is carried out even before the soil warms up to 10 ℃. The only thing to do is cover the ground. Under the shelter, the ground can warm up evenly.
Nevertheless, the planting of sprouted tubers is preferable. The tubers begin to germinate 1.5 months before planting. For this, root crops should be removed from the cellar and put in a dry, warm room. When sprouts of 2-3 cm appear, the seed potatoes must be again sorted and the vegetables with weak, filamentous sprouts should be sorted out.
Job Description:
- before planting you need to plow the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm;
- potassium phosphorus fertilizer should be added to the wells;
- the depth of the holes should be 6 cm – for loamy soil, 10 cm – for sandy loam;
- step between holes 40 cm;
- after applying fertilizer to the hole and put potatoes in such a way that when the soil falls into the pit, the sprouts do not break.
As a fertilizer, you can use crushed egg shells, mixed with onion husks and wood ash. This is a great alternative to expensive store-bought fertilizers with an unknown composition. To get a rich harvest as soon as possible, you need to provide appropriate care.
The main thing is to ensure optimal watering.In dry weather, this should be done more often, but always in moderation, from an excess of moisture the tubers can infect a fungal disease. Rosara has a branchy powerful ground part, so in the heat she needs more moisture. On average, about 5 liters of water are consumed per bush.
Before the first shoots appear, the soil should be loosened twice. One week after planting, the soil is demarcated. The second time the processing is carried out after 7 days after the first. In the presence of sprouts of 10 cm, the inter-row space is cultivated to a depth of 10 cm. This move allows you to enrich the soil with oxygen.
With waterlogging, cultivation can be done deeper. Soil cultivation is carried out three times in 1.5 months with an interval of 10-15 days, depending on the ripening speed and weather conditions. The next stage is hilling. It is carried out during the growing season, after rain or watering. The first time the bushes are sprinkled with a soil layer of 12 cm, the second time – 20 cm (in dry weather, hilling is not carried out at all).
There are several signs by which you can determine that the time has come to dig potatoes.
- Sluggish tops are the first clear sign that the potato has ripened. Seeing this sign, you should remove the potatoes from the garden in 2-3 weeks, otherwise it will overripe or decay.
- If you still doubt, it’s recommended to dig out the bush and inspect the tubers. If you have a dense peel, you can start cleaning.
Rosara should be dug in warm, windy weather. It is not recommended to carry out cleaning after rain, this will adversely affect the keeping quality. Already in the process of harvesting, you need to select seed material. You can’t immediately put the tubers in the cellar, they must lie down for some time on the open ground under the sun. Immediately after this, the potatoes are sorted, sick, damaged by a shovel specimens are selected.
For 3-4 weeks, the potatoes are kept in boxes or bags at a temperature of 13-18 ℃ and a relative humidity of 90%. This move allows you to identify hidden damage, plus the potato finally ripens. After the expiration of the allotted time, the tubers are again sorted and rejected sick vegetables. After that, you can send the remaining root crops to the cellar for the whole winter.
Pest control
Every farmer knows the situation with the attacks of the Colorado potato beetle on potato crops. Rosara is very often attacked by pests. You can’t let everything drift, otherwise the yield will decrease by half or the plant will not bear fruit at all. Of the drugs most commonly used are Fitoverm, Colorado, Bicol.
Thanks early . Th period of maturation of the Rosary is less likely to be infected with Phytophthora other turns out that the only enemy of the Rosary for potatoes – Colorado potato beetle. If you treat the tubers with insecticides before planting, you can not be afraid of it.
Final part
Rosar’s early potato variety is especially popular. Unlike other early-ripening varieties, potatoes are resistant to mechanical damage and perfectly preserved throughout the winter.
The variety is attractive to farmers in our country for its resistance to climate change.Even temperature differences cannot affect the yield and quality indicators too much.