Description of Juvel potatoes

Juvel potato is a high-yielding, super-early variety. Harvesting is possible after 50 days. All tubers are of equal uniform shape with a smooth structure. These and many other features of the culture make it very attractive for farmers.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Benefits of
  5. Disadvantages
  6. Growing
  7. Seed preparation
  8. Planting <
  9. Care
  10. Hilling and feeding
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Harvesting and storage
  13. The final part

Описание картофеля Джувел

Description of the Jewel potato


Description of Juvel potatoes the variety is super-early. The crop is ready for harvesting already 50-60 days after planting. It responds well to moderate soil moisture. In too dry conditions, the potatoes become shallow. For planting, choose well-lit areas.

Juvel potato variety was bred in Germany. The plant is developing very fast. A characteristic feature of the culture is a short growing season. Juve potato belongs to the high-yielding varieties. Its average fecundity varies between 700-800 kg per 1 ha. From one bush you can collect from 10 to 20 even, of the same form of tubers.

Description of the bush

  • stunted bush;
  • half-straight stem;
  • medium-sized foliage with wavy edges ;
  • inflorescences are dense, reddish-violet;
  • tops of medium density, dense.

Description of the fruit

Rounded potatoes, the weight of one tuber is 80-150g. The peel is smooth yellow, shiny with small eyes. On the cut, the flesh has a yellowish tint. Description of taste characteristics:

  • the flesh does not change color after heat treatment;
  • becomes friable;
  • melts in the mouth.
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Everyone knows the problem with degeneration of cultures, when you have to change the look every couple of years. For Jovel potatoes, this is not characteristic. In addition, Juvel is well kept, despite its early maturity. This species is absolutely not demanding on soil composition and climatic conditions, therefore it is suitable for cultivation in any region of the Russian Federation. The super-early variety is resistant to the effects of potato cancer, late blight, golden nematode.

In the southern regions, the crop can be harvested 2 times per season. Among the shortcomings, many note the inability to use Juvel for frying.


Some farmers say that the species has a mediocre taste. But, this is more likely due to improper cultivation. Just like any kind of potato. Juvel is susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle and the nutcracker.


Картофель предпочитает солнечные места

Potato prefers sunny places

Juvel potatoes develop well in open sunny areas. In a shady place, the tubers become small. The plant is small in size, so the distance between the holes is about 30 cm. Between the rows they make a step of 70 cm. It is important to remember that too early or late planting negatively affects the yield.

The culture adapts perfectly to any soil, but the best performance is observed on well-fertilized soils, with moderate humidity. Usually, they begin to prepare the soil for planting in the fall. It is advisable to plant winter crops on the site. In spring, they are harvested and fertilized with organic soil, after which they are deeply cultivated, about 30 cm deep.

Seed preparation

Seed is taken during harvesting the crop. Before you remove the seeds for long-term storage in the cellar, they are landscaped. To do this, potatoes are kept for 7 days in the light, periodically turning it over. This allows you to better save the tubers and protect them from rodents. Store the seed separately.

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Potatoes for planting should be the same size, no more than a chicken egg. All seed should be treated with a disinfectant. To do this, you can use a normal solution of manganese or saltpeter.To quickly grow potatoes, it is recommended to germinate it first. For several weeks it is left in a warm room, and then poorly sprouted potatoes are picked, the optimal germination period is 21-30 days.


Tubers are planted in mid-April-early May. In the northern regions, dates are shifted by a week. Planting can be carried out without waiting for the soil to warm up completely. The view is resistant to temperature changes.

Planting depth directly depends on the type of soil. On light sandy loamy soils, it is customary to deepen potatoes by 10 cm. For heavy soils, the recommended planting depth is 5 cm. Usually, tubers are dusted with wood ash before planting. It contains a lot of potassium and nitrogen, which helps the plant to grow rapidly at an early stage.

It should be noted that on soils with high acidity should not be used as a fertilizer. In such cases, chalk and organics are used. After landing, the site is leveled and waiting for the first shoots. Depending on the type of soil, one of the types of planting is chosen:

  • ridged;
  • smooth;
  • trench.

The most common, universal, easy way – a smooth landing under the shovel. First, marking the holes. In each hole put fertilizer, you can use superphosphates. Potatoes are pressed a little into the soil, and then fall asleep. Due to the fact that there is enough moisture in the soil in the spring, it can be additionally not watered.

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To get a rich harvest, you need to constantly maintain moderate soil moisture. Overdried land significantly reduces yield, tubers become small. The best option is a drip irrigation system.

Растения нужно регулярно рыхлить

Plants need to be loosened regularly

After each watering, inter-row space should be cultivated. The higher the humidity, the deeper the weeding is needed. To keep moisture in the soil, you can mulch it with grass. The crop is not much affected by late blight of tubers, but often suffers from late blight of tops, therefore it is recommended to pinch lower leaves, especially when the weather is humid and warm.

Hilling and feeding

Timely hilling will help protect the tops from possible frosts. The first time the formation of ridges is carried out at the time of emergence of sprouts of 10-12 cm. A little later, the second hilling is carried out when the sprouts reach a height of 20 cm.

Top dressing is carried out three times:

  • at the time of planting ;
  • simultaneously with the first hilling;
  • during budding.

For feeding, most often, they use liquid mullein or mineral fertilizers. Add top dressing in liquid form. Potatoes of this variety respond well to top dressing with potassium composition. To reduce the acidity of the soil, use chalk.

Diseases and pests

Due to early ripening, Juvel is not exposed to late blight. Potatoes of this variety are often affected by fungal diseases, nutcracker beetles and Colorado beetles. To avoid the attack of pests, it is recommended to change the planting place every year, use herbicides or other insect repellents.

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Proper care helps to protect the planting from fungal diseases. When harvesting, it is very important to collect all the tubers. Decomposed potatoes are fertile soil for the propagation of pathological microorganisms. Characterization of plants allows you to use any kind of chemical substances. The variety does not accumulate them in tubers.

Harvesting and storage

Potatoes are harvested when the tops turn yellow. To make sure that the potatoes are ready for harvesting, dig one bush and check the peel for stiffness. Before cleaning, it is recommended to cut off the entire ground part. The strongest bushes with a large number of tubers are left for seeds.

Windy, warm weather is ideal for digging potatoes. Do not dig potatoes after rain. A month before harvesting, it is advisable to stop watering. Juvel potatoes are highly susceptible to mechanical damage, so be careful when harvesting. When grown for industrial purposes, harvesters with a lateral grip type are usually used.

Damaged potatoes are immediately laid aside for food.Seed material is selected and stacked in separate boxes. The whole crop is not immediately hidden in the vegetable store. Potatoes, first, dried in the sun for 1.5-2 hours. After that, sorted by boxes and left in a dark room for 21 days, gradually lowering the air temperature to 4 ℃. After the allotted time, the crop is again sorted, rotten tubers are discarded.

Sort Jewel (Jewell) Elite
Juvel seed potatoes, before harvesting
Sort Jewel (Jewel) Elite

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One rotten potato can cause infection of the whole potato. If all preparations have been correctly performed, it is possible to save 94% of the crop. The temperature in the vegetable store should be maintained within 2-4 ℃. Moisture in the cellar should not fall below 80%, ideally 90%.

Final part

When planting, the soil is fertilized with organic compounds, for the entire period of fertilizing, they are applied 2 times . To control soil moisture, many farmers prefer a drip irrigation system. In the southern regions, it is recommended to mulch the soil in order to preserve moisture.

The culture grows well, subject to regular loosening of the soil. It is carried out after each irrigation and rainfall. This avoids the formation of a hard crust on the surface of the earth, as well as providing access to oxygen to the root system.

Many farmers among the early varieties of potatoes, most often, give preference to the Juvel variety. It is attractive due to its relatively high resistance to various potato diseases, as well as good keeping quality.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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