The use of herbicides for potatoes against weeds

Weeds develop rapidly, drown out potato seedlings by intensive growth, and also contribute to the spread of pests and fungal spores. To control weeds, herbicides are used for potatoes. Processing potato seedlings with herbicides allows you to save the crop both on a small plot of land and on industrial sown areas.

  1. Varieties of herbicides
  2. Contact herbicides
  3. Systemic herbicides
  4. Area of ​​impact of the herbicides
  5. Continuous herbicides
  6. Selective herbicides
  7. Method of application
  8. Soil herbicides
  9. Leaf herbicides
  10. Post-emergence treatment

Применение гербицидов для картофеля

Application of herbicides for potatoes

Times ovidicities of herbicides

All herbicides for the destruction of potato weeds are divided into 2 groups, depending on their effect.

Contact herbicidal agents

Such external preparations actions affect only the leafy part and the stems of the plants where they fall during the spraying process, causing the destruction of their aboveground part.

Contact herbicidal preparations for potato crops are used in the fight against annual and biennial weeds, for example, against a shepherd’s bag or woodlice with bindweed .

Herbicides are used in the absence of precipitation. They show the best results if they were used in calm weather without drought and a sharp drop in temperature.

Among the most common contact herbicides actively fighting field bindweed and wood lice, Titus, Tornado and Roundup are distinguished. A working fluid with such preparations is prepared in a proportion of 40 to 120 ml of a herbicidal agent per 10 liters of water. The leaf part of plants needs to be sprayed in the morning and evening twice a day. After spraying, the potato bushes are not watered and do not grow up for 3-5 days.

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Systemic herbicides

Systemic herbicides for potatoes of internal action are effectively used against wheat grass and calf. Having the ability to penetrate into the vascular system of the plant and when freely moving in the cells, such herbicidal agents lead to the death of both parts: both aboveground and underground.

The most famous systemic herbicidal agents after germination include the Titus drug, which penetrates into the cells through the leaves treated by it, reaching the root system and the shoot area.

Area of ​​herbicide exposure

Depending on how much the potato herbicide is able to clean the area from weeds, emit continuous and selective herbicides.

Continuous herbicides

Continuous herbicides are able to destroy all plants growing on the sown area, therefore they are often called generally destructive for agricultural technicians in industrial production.

A continuous herbicidal agent, such as Zencor, can destroy the outer protective shell, causing the death of plants.

Continuous herbicidal preparations are dangerous not only for weeds, but also for the cultivated plant itself, therefore, industrial agriculture uses this type of chemical means with restrictions, using it only when preparing the cultivated area before planting vegetables and, if necessary, completely clear it of all vegetation. The use of solid herbicides in personal plots is not recommended. If they are used, it is advisable to process the beds in a strictly defined off-season: in early spring, before planting a potato crop, or in the autumn after harvest.

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Such strong herbicidal compositions are not used after potato sprouts. Among the dangerous chemicals that are used only for emergence of sprouts or during direct planting, Zenkor and Arsenal are capable of killing all vegetation.

Selective action herbicides

Selective action herbicides are dangerous for a particular kind of weed with a selective spectrum.Among them are:

  • broad-selective, able to fight a certain type of plant, for example, destroy dicotyledons without affecting monocotyledons;
  • narrow-selective, affecting only selected varieties within one species, for example, the herbicidal chemical Grodil destroys the bedstalks in the family, but is completely safe for barley.
Гербициды могут уничтожить и картофель

Herbicides can destroy potatoes

Selective herbicidal agents that destroy certain families of weeds, m there may be continuous action when they increase the concentration level of working solutions.

Among the most common herbicidal agents of selective action, Zenkor and Lazurite are distinguished.

Method of application

According to the methods of application, soil and leaf herbicidal preparations are distinguished.

Soil herbicides

Soil (pre-emergence) herbicidal agents are applied by processing the soil until the appearance of potato seedlings or before planting a vegetable crop in soil.

Applied ie the pre-emergence herbicidal activity of a toxic weed seeds, preventing them from growing and developing. For potato root crops, active substances of pre-emergence herbicides that do not move in the soil are not dangerous, but provide them with reliable protection.

A number of soil herbicidal chemicals form a protective film on the surface of the soil layer, when the sprouts come into contact with which the weed is killed.

Usually the pre-emergence herbicide is a granular agent applied into the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm. Among the most famous are chemicals for use in the destruction of weeds “Roundup”, “Boxer” and “Centerion”.

Leaf herbicides

Leaf (post-emergence) herbicidal agents fall on p by spraying the wall and act on the part of the leaf and stem. The use of post-emergence preparations is carried out after the appearance of potato seedlings. It is recommended to use the herbicides Lazurit and Antiburyan, which are treated at intervals of 10 days, but no more than 3 times per garden season.

Post-emergence treatment of potato crops from weeds occupies one of the leading positions in private gardeners.

Post-emergence treatment

Processing potato bushes with leaf herbicides after emergence is one of the most common methods of weed control when growing vegetables. Post-emergence weed herbicides for potato seedlings are applied by spraying. In the homestead economy these are sprayers.

When preparing liquids with herbicides, use softened water and non-metallic containers so as not to provoke chemical reactions and not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Working herbicidal formulations are prepared before use. The shelf life in a cool, dark place in plastic or glass containers does not exceed 7 days.

See also  Characteristics of the varieties of potatoes Bullfinch

Potato without weeds.
potato herbicide
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How to apply herbicides
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When post-harvest processing of potatoes you should remember some simple rules:

  • the earth mound remaining after weeding must be settled before spraying,
  • the soil structure should contain small lumps, allow the herbicidal agent to be evenly distributed,
  • the moisture indicator of the soil layer should be within 80%,
  • good efficacy among preparations for post-emergence processing of potatoes is possessed by those containing Prosulfocarb or metribuzinum, for example, “Lapis”.

Processing potatoes with leaf herbicides is not carried out in relation to varieties that are sensitive to chemical preparations. To minimize the content of chemistry, it is recommended that they choose the correct dosage of herbicides and alternate their use with manual weeding.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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