The best varieties of potatoes for Siberia

Of the more than four hundred varieties of potatoes grown in Russia, only a small part is suitable for the agricultural industry and private farming of Siberian gardeners. The reason that not all the best potato varieties for Siberia become fruitful is the peculiarities of the Siberian climate with its short summer, late spring and too early autumn frosts.

  1. Growing potatoes in Siberia
  2. What is suitable for the western regions
  3. What is suitable for the eastern regions
  4. Early varieties
  5. Ural early
  6. Priekulsky
  7. Luck
  8. High-yielding varieties
  9. Alena
  10. Antonina <
  11. Nevsky
  12. Ermak
  13. Resistant to frost and disease varieties
  14. Latona <
  15. Fresco <
  16. Prior
  17. Adretta

Лучшие сорта картофеля для Сибири

Beam more potato varieties for Siberia

Growing potatoes in Siberia

Siberian climatic conditions dictate to gardeners their requirements for the vegetable varieties they select for planting. seed material for growing potatoes in Siberia note the resistance of vegetables to the cold Siberian climate and possible sharp changes in temperature indicators.

Recommended to choose potatoes for Siberia, based on the location of the site for planting. So, vegetable crops successfully grown in the Western Siberian regions are not suitable for planting in the eastern part.

The best time to grow a potato crop in Siberia is from May to August. If the vegetation period covers this period in the description of a potato crop with frost-resistant quality characteristics, the vegetable crop is quite suitable for cultivation in the harsh Siberian climate both in the west and in its eastern part.

See also  Rules for storing potatoes in the cellar in winter

What is suitable for western regions

The most popular potato varieties for the west of the Siberian region are precocious and have medium maturity. Such species can be planted in the first half of May: the seeds have time to ripen and yield.

What is suitable for the eastern regions

Gardeners choose new varietal types of potatoes for growing in the east more carefully than summer residents of the West Siberian regions. The reason for this selection is not a particularly good climate for planting and care:

  • early arrival of winter frosts,
  • uneven precipitation in large quantities,
  • redistribution of precipitation more at the end of the summer season or at the time of the onset of September.

For these regions, frost-resistant types of potatoes that are described as early-ripening are definitely selected.

Early varieties

Early varietal lines of potatoes in the Siberian regions are most in demand, as they guarantee that there are household plots Om plot potato harvest time to ripen.

Ural early

This good early ripe table variety of potatoes for the Siberian region is suitable due to its rapid maturation and resistance to various diseases of vegetable crops.


Named by the Siberians as “forty days old,” Priekulsky potato variety is an excellent choice for planting in Siberia. As the name implies, you can get a crop from a good Priekulsky vegetable after 40 days. Early ripe potatoes have time to ripen before numerous diseases begin to affect potato bushes and root crops.

See also  Characteristics of Meteor potatoes

According to the description, the fruits of the Priekulsky species are white, oval in shape, weighing up to 100 g. Yields are average – up to 250 kg per 1 sq. Km. m of cultivated area.


Сорт Удача радует ранним урожаем

Variety Luck pleases with an early harvest

A potato variety for Siberia called Luck is not afraid of either pests or diseases, it easily tolerates an arid climate and copes with long rains. It has an early ripening period of 45 days.

Round oval vegetables weigh 150-300 g each, have white flesh and skin. Potato Luck is capable of reaching yields of 300 kg per garden weave.

High-yielding varieties

Many high-yielding potato varietal lines allow you to grow a large and good crop even in adverse regional Siberian conditions.


The early ripening potato Alena fell in love with Siberian gardeners for its high yield, reaching 300 kg per 1 sq. km. m of sown area. Tubers ripening on average over 2-2.5 months weigh 100-100 g each, have an oval shape, pink peel and white flesh.

This harvested potato has a good keeping quality, reaching 95%, keeps a pleasant appearance when transportation.

Resistant to scab and potato cancer Alena often undergo late blight. It is suitable for cultivation throughout the Siberian region, as it is frost-resistant.

See also  Characteristics of Yanko potatoes


Indicating yields of about 300 kg per hundred acres Antonina’s early ripe potato table variety is able to withstand late blight and powdery mildew.

The vegetable is distinguished by a yellow, slightly rough skin and dark yellow flesh. Gardeners note a good keeping rate: the crop is preserved in 95% of cases.

Most often, Antonin can be seen in summer cottages in western Siberia.


A universal variety that has established itself among gardeners, due to increased productivity. Some summer residents collect 350-360 kg per 1 square. m of sown area. Potato tubers with white flesh weigh an average of 110-130 g; in the nest, there are up to 15 vegetables. This variety is suitable for western and eastern Siberia.


Ermak is on the list of the best potato varieties of Siberia in yield, yielding up to 500 kg with an average weight of potato tubers per 100 g. The potato nest has up to 25 root crops. Round-shaped vegetables with a pink smooth peel have a light flesh.

Ermak is recommended for cultivation in any Siberian region.

Varieties resistant to frost and disease

For growing in Siberia, the resistance of a vegetable crop to pests and plant diseases is of great importance. In Siberia, frost resistance is not the last place in the characterization of potato subspecies.


This is the most suitable potato variety for the Siberian western regions, although it is also successfully grown in the east . This is a Dutch variety with oval tubers and light skin, resistant to scab and late blight. Yield indicators reach 2.0-2.5 kg per potato bush.


Derived by the Dutch selection Freske shows resistance to the main diseases of vegetables: nematodes and late blight. It tolerates changing climatic conditions, which is why it is on the list of the best varieties for Siberia. Potato tubers have a smooth surface and yellow skin.


Prior is a universal variety from the same Dutch selection. Often they collect up to 1.0-1.2 kg of potatoes from the bush.

The species is resistant to the nematode, powdery mildew and late blight. Oval root vegetables have a slightly elongated shape and cream-colored peel, strewn with small eyes of a purple hue.


One of the best potato varieties for Siberia in terms of resistance to harsh climate is Adretta . This species is able to survive a sharp change in weather, is resistant to disease and is slightly susceptible to damage by pests. For these characteristics, he liked many summer residents, despite the low productivity: only 170-200 kg per 1 square. m. Its tubers grow weighing up to 100-140 g, with a white skin and yellowish flesh.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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