Laura potatoes

Against the backdrop of rapidly changing weather conditions in the countries of central Europe and the former USSR, the breeders had an acute question about the cultivation of a potato variety that is highly productive and resistant to harsh climate. Significant success in this matter was achieved by breeders from Germany. In particular, based on the results of breeding studies, the employees developed a variety called laura potato.In terms of its qualities and characteristics, Laura fully complies with the applicable standards.

  1. Laura variety description
  2. Appearance of potatoes
  3. Use of potatoes laura
  4. Positive properties
  5. Taste qualities
  6. Preparing tubers for planting
  7. Planting potatoes
  8. Proper care of potatoes

Картофель сорта Лаура

Laura potatoes

Description of the Laura variety

This variety was initially widely used among European farmers in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Germany. However, over time, Laura potatoes became interested in ordinary gardeners in Russia, where this variety quickly and successfully took root, even squeezing the variety of scarlet potatoes. However, the Laura variety has one feature: potatoes do not grow very well on soils where the percentage of black soil is low, as well as in regions with constant droughts.

Appearance of the potato

Bush medium-sized, sprawling. The arrangement of leaves on the bush is intermediate, typical of this crop. The structure and surface of the sheet are wrinkled. The leaves themselves are medium in size, green in color.Escape has many inflorescences. The flowers of the plant are white and light purple in color. The Laura potato variety has oval and slightly elongated fruits. The tuber itself is covered with a dense dark red skin, which is its external feature.

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The variety is one of the most popular red-skinned varieties (as you know, tubers are also classified by skin color).

The pulp of the Laura variety is saturated yellow, which indicates a high level of starch in the fruit, an average of about 16.4-16.5%. This indicator indicates that Laura belongs to highly starchy cultures, which positively affects the taste. The eyes are medium sized Laura. The average weight of the fetus is 80-150 grams. In length, the potato has a fruit of 70 mm or more.

Use of Laura potatoes

For use in fried or boiled foods, the Laura variety can be used before the established technical maturity after about 65-70 days, when the size of root crops reached significant volumes (close to 60-70 mm). The fruits can be used for food only if the skin from the tuber is effortlessly separated during cleaning. Over the years, the established agricultural practice of planting vegetables indicates that the medium-early and early varieties are planted for the purpose of eating young fruits in food in household and home gardens.In this case, when growing the Laura variety, you must adhere to certain rules.

One of the most important is not to use fruits that have the so-called green spots on the surface or when peeling. These fruits are not suitable for both eating and for technical use. The main reason for the defeat of tubers by green spots is the improper storage of root crops in direct sunlight and correspondingly elevated air temperature.

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If we study the description of the Laura potato variety in detail, it is clear that the green spot index indicates the formation of a poisonous substance in the tuber animals and humans. And although this substance is contained in the tuber in small quantities, but when these signs appear, the vegetable is not recommended for consumption. Exposure to corned beef can negatively affect the general well-being of a person. The most favorable climatic zones for the cultivation of such a vegetable crop are the central and northwestern regions of the Russian Federation. The yield of this variety is quite high from one bush, you can get from 15 to 20 large fruits. From one hectare, you can collect up to 330 centners of ripe fruit.

Positive properties

  • Unlike most medium-early varieties that are not stored for a long time, the Laura variety stored and retain useful qualities for a sufficiently long period of time.As a rule, about 95% of tubers are perfectly stored throughout the year, subject to temperature conditions ranging from 1 to 3 degrees in a dark ventilated place.
  • This variety has in its cells a significant natural reserve of resistance to various viral diseases such like: Y virus, nematode and leaf twisting. Laura has an increased resistance to late blight (both tubers and shoots). In general, the characteristic of the Laura variety is only positive.
  • The variety is quite resistant to various kinds of diseases that can occur when the fruit ripens.
  • The fruits do not change their taste and color during heat treatment.

Taste qualities

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Fruits have a healing effect

Potato Laura is a table variety and is classified as a food variety of type B, which means that the fruit is suitable for human or animal consumption. Due to the relatively high percentage of starch in the root structure, Laura is suitable for making mashed potatoes and especially french fries, so beloved by most Europeans and residents of the countries of the former USSR. French fries made from Laura are especially rosy and crispy, having excellent taste and aroma.

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It is for the taste qualities of laura and appreciated by manufacturers that the variety can be cultivated not only for personal use, but also for sale in industrial volumes.

The description indicates that such a variety has a range of healing qualities for the human body. Given the high percentage of starch content, when consuming fruits in reasonable quantities, this variety gives an antiviral effect to the entire body. The juice of the yellow fruit, in combination with its red peel, helps lower blood pressure and also lowers blood sugar, which is very important for people with diabetes. Laura contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B and C.

Preparation of tubers for planting

As a rule, planting of this variety begins already in April, when the soil warmed up enough. In order to plant tubers, it is necessary to carefully prepare the seed material. To do this, it is necessary to sort out the available seeds, removing unsuitable tubers for planting. Both deformed and small specimens rotted or affected by diseases can be unsuitable.

The next stage is the vernalization of tubers, meaning germination of the sprouts within 10-12 days in the sun or in the light.Then it is necessary to treat the planting material with special tools created on the basis of copper, zinc, boron or manganese, as well as etching with special fungicidal preparations. It will not be superfluous to treat the seeds with a solution of gibberellin.

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Planting potatoes

There are several methods for planting potatoes, but as a rule two main methods are used: it is a comb or smooth method. With the comb method, to begin with, it is necessary to prepare the soil to carefully dig the selected area, then clean the soil from weeds and level it with a rake (grinding large pieces of land). If the soil is not very fertile, and also to increase the yield, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with humus or manure.

Then you should trim the soil with a rake. Then you need to use the shovel or cultivator to make holes for planting tubers. According to the technology, it is best to plant from 5 to 7 tubers per linear meter. With this planting, from the variety of Laura, you can get the maximum yield. After the tubers are placed in the ground, you can add a little water (only if the soil is dry). After watering, the soil should also be trimmed.

Proper potato care

When the first shoots sprout, post-emergence treatment of the bushes begins. For this purpose, the harrowing method is used. At this stage, it is important that the plantings are not overgrown with weeds, from which the potatoes need to be peeled periodically.At this stage, it is important to nourish the bushes with nitrogen substances. The next important care measure is feeding fertilizers containing potassium, as it is often not enough in the ground, which means crop growth can slow down significantly, and this will affect the yield.

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As the most popular potash fertilizer, you can use kalimagnesia for this purpose, which has a good effect on the yield and quality of fruits at the ripening stage, increasing the level of starch in them, and hence taste . You can also treat plantings several times a season with various anti-late blight drugs such as cuproxate. To counteract the Colorado potato beetle, you can use Kinmix spray.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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