Description of varieties of potatoes for the Black Earth

The Black Earth region is fertile for growing potatoes. It is important to choose high-quality potato varieties for the Black Earth. A suitable and decent planting material will delight you with high yields, as well as quality characteristics. It is important to choose the one that will satisfy the entire requirement of each individual gardener.

  1. How to choose good potato varieties for the Black Earth
  2. Productivity <
  3. Ripening <
  4. Resistance to diseases
  5. The choice of planting material
  6. The best varieties of potatoes for the Black Earth
  7. Excellence
  8. Red Scarlet
  9. Lorh
  10. September
  11. Riviera <
  12. Zekura
  13. Closing

Описание сортов картофеля для Черноземья

Description of potato varieties for the Black Earth

How to choose good varieties of ka tofels for Black Earth

Important characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing a variety:

  • regionalization;
  • yield;
  • sizes tubers;
  • ripening time;
  • disease resistance;
  • taste.

Good varieties of potatoes for growing in Black chernozem lands that are bred and tested in the middle climatic zone should not choose plants intended for planting in the southern regions.


It is important to pay attention to what yield and choose respectively with governmental requirements. The sizes of the tubers also differ. Having invested so much labor in growing, small potatoes will become a complete disappointment.


Potato ripening time is not unimportant. Using precocious species, you can harvest twice a season, this is a very important indicator, especially for industrial cultivation. But later species are remarkably stored and will provide delicious root crops until next season.

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Disease resistance

Despite the favorable conditions, potatoes can be affected by diseases, therefore, resistance to various diseases plays an important role. And in case of infection, the bushes weaken and small potatoes grow. You should choose those that are resistant to different types of disease. Taste characteristics are also important, especially given the widespread use in cooking.

Selection of planting material

Having chosen the perfect variety, you should understand how to choose a quality planting material. The following characteristics of high-quality tubers for planting can be distinguished:

  • size;
  • number of rudimentary eyes;
  • regular shape;
  • lack of traces diseases;
  • lack of damage.

The quality of planting potatoes will positively affect the future harvest. Root crops should be of medium size, small potatoes will not bring a high-quality crop, large tubers are also not suitable.The embryo on the potato should be from 2 to 5, this will make it possible to develop a strong ground part of the plant, and in turn, the rhizome with tubers will have the appropriate size.

The shape and color of the fruit should correspond to the description. A bad sign is a deformed tuber of irregular shape, such a planting material should not be planted a bed. Also, traces of diseases (scab, late blight, rot) should not be traced. The presence of even one infected specimen leads to the defeat of the rest and, as a result, weak plants and poor quality crops. Healthy seeds guarantee healthy offspring.

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Mechanically damaged tubers are also not suitable for planting, often after planting they rot and do not germinate. Planting potatoes, even elite ones, should be of the highest quality. It’s worth choosing the best specimens from planting potatoes.

The best varieties of potatoes for the Chernozem region

With a large number of varieties suitable for the Chernozem region it is worth highlighting the best ones that have positively proven themselves in amateur gardening and in industrial cultivation. They have their own advantages and features.


One of the new ones. Bred and registered not so long ago. Root crops have an average weight of 200-220 grams, elongated in a beautiful oval shape. The skin and flesh of the tuber are yellow.

It has a wonderful taste, belongs to the table mid-season varieties.Used in industry for the production of various snacks and potato semi-finished products. This species is resistant to nematode and potato cancer.

The disadvantages of this species include poor resistance to late blight of the aerial part of the plant. Requires germination before planting in the ground. It grows for a long time at low soil temperatures.

Red Scarlet

The species was bred in the Netherlands. Has a short ripening period of up to 75 days. The characteristic red color of the skin, and the flesh is close to yellow in color. The shape is elongated, oval with the correct outlines. The bushes are not tall.

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Good yield

Recommended due to its high productivity and early ripening. Productivity of a grade is up to 6 t / ha. Up to 20 potatoes with an average weight of 95 grams ripen under one bush. It tolerates adverse weather conditions. It does not stop growing in a drought. Red Scarlet is resistant to tuberous late blight. Root crops also have an extended shelf life, which is rare in early potatoes.

See also  Permissible depth for planting potatoes

Red Scarlet’s disadvantages include the need to update planting material due to possible degeneration and loss of quality. This variety is unstable to scab and alternativenialiosis.


The variety was bred and registered in 1931. Refers to potatoes with a mid-late ripening period.The shape of the tuber is often round, the skin is beige, the flesh is white. It tastes good.

There are many advantages that prevent it from losing popularity over the years. The variety is also undemanding to growing conditions. resistant to drought and high temperatures. Gives a high-quality crop even on depleted soils. It is resistant to a common disease of late blight.

High deficiencies produce up to 20% starch, which leads to loss of shape during cooking. But this minus makes it possible to use the variety in the production of starch. Root crops are not large in size on average up to 75 grams. Lorch has a tendency to diseases such as scab and cancer.


Relates to mid-early. The shape is often rounded. The average weight of the tuber is 120 grams. The skin has a yellow color, and the middle is white.

C merits emit high yield, which is 400-450 kg / ha. September is resistant to late blight and potato cancer. It grows well on different types of soils. Resistant to sharp temperature changes.

With all the positive qualities, a tendency to infection with a nematode is noted. Which requires additional preventive processing of bushes.

See also  Seed potatoes and its varieties


Super early, Dutch selection. Color light yellow, cream flesh. The weight of root crops is up to 180 grams. Productivity 4-5 tons per hectare.

The first crop of the Riviera gives 40-45 days from the emergence of seedlings.What plays a huge role in industrial cultivation. Allows a two-time landing to provide a market for the sale of young potatoes. High productivity makes it possible to collect about 12 fruits from one bush. And this advantage is valuable even for those who grow several bushes in the country.

A high-quality variety, but it has medium resistance to many diseases and requires fungicide treatment and careful care.


Late variety for universal use. It has a flesh and yellowish peel. The bush is medium erect. The mass of root crops reaches 140 grams.

Upright bushes simplify weeding and care. Variety Zekura is undemanding to conditions. Potato nests are located close to the surface, which is convenient when digging. High shelf life allows use until late spring. Appreciated for its taste, widely used in cooking.

Even with such many advantages, Zekura gives a low yield in drought conditions. And root crops grow small, weighing 45-65 grams.


The number of varieties at the moment is huge, but sat down the shareholders continue to work tirelessly in this field, cultivating new ones in order to create the best. It is important to understand what features and qualities to pay attention to. And choose a potato variety that will be productive, resistant to diseases, have the appropriate taste, and as a result, it will bring pleasure in the fall and positive from the work done.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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