How to prepare potatoes before planting

Preparing potatoes for planting is a responsible event, on which crop productivity largely depends. Gardeners are used to carefully preparing vegetable seeds for planting, but often forget about the pre-sowing preparation of tubers. Simple procedures contribute to timely and friendly shoots, will be a good prevention of various painful conditions and protect against pests.

How to prepare potatoes to landing. Garden World site
Sprouting potatoes before planting / Sprouting potatoes before planting /
Preparing seed potatoes for planting. Processing with manganese, garlic and ash.
Preparing (processing) seed potatoes before planting
Processing potatoes before planting
Processing potato tubers before planting.

Ash treatment

Ash treatment is another way to prepare tubers before planting. Ash contributes to the accumulation of starch in potatoes, so many gardeners and gardeners fertilize it with the site. Some of them moisturize the seeds and pump them in this fertilizer. With this method, you can get good seedlings and increase the yield.

Using all of the above methods of preparing potato seeds for planting is impossible and not necessary, in most cases a few of them are enough. Pre-planting work must meet the specific conditions of a particular site. How to prepare potatoes for planting, the gardener must decide and try himself. Only then the homestead will please the owner with a good harvest of potatoes.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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