How to determine the distance between rows of potatoes

Knowing the characteristics of plant cultivation allows you to easily get a plentiful crop. How to correctly determine the distance between the rows of potatoes during planting? Let’s analyze the most effective schemes.

  1. Why determine the distance between the rows
  2. On the crest
  3. Under the shovel
  4. In the trenches
  5. In the container
  6. Depth of planting
  7. Distance between tubers
  8. Tips on beds

Определение расстояния между рядами

Define row spacing

Why determine the distance between the rows

Root crops are easy to plant, which allows them to grow both in large farms and in small dachas. glaciers try to get the most out of every square meter.

The distance between potatoes when planting is a criterion that affects the volume and quality of the finished product. If you follow the rules, you can intelligently distribute the useful area of ​​the plot. bush and does not make it difficult to care.

Increasing or decreasing the category negatively affects the yield. Excessive planting density leads to the fact that each plant lacks nutrients, so the bushes grow weak and do not please with an abundance of fruits. Excess free space is also dangerous: the crop goes to the top, and the potatoes become huge and small.

On the crest

This is one of the main planting options.According to the method, the seeds are planted according to the scheme of 30 x 70 cm. The area is carefully dug up, after which the same grooves are marked with twine and laid to a depth of 50 mm to 100 mm.

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1 tbsp are poured into each trench. l ash and 0.5 shovels of humus. Tubers are placed on top, after which they are covered with soil. It is important to achieve a noticeable “crest” on both sides, resembling the letter “M”. The final height ranges from 0.25 m to 0.3 m.

The indicated distance when planting potatoes facilitates weeding of plants from weeds. Under hogs, the culture is safe from drying out in the heat and does not rot during rains. The main advantages of the method:

  • early planting;
  • rapid development of healthy bushes;
  • warming by the sun;
  • increase in yield by 25 %;
  • easy to harvest.

Under the shovel

This is the easiest and most proven method for growing root crops. The distance between the rows of potatoes should not be less than 70 cm, and the distance of the tubers from each other should be a little more than 25. At the same time, attention is drawn to the number of processes on the specimens: the more roots, the longer the distance.

The technology requires optimal t mperatury. It is important that the soil has thawed and warmed up to 8 ° C. With early work, waterlogging and freezing of crops is possible, late plantings threaten the loss of moisture and precious time for formation.

In trenches

For arid regions this method is relevant. The distance between the rows of early potatoes should be standard – from 70 cm to 80 cm. In autumn, ditches are dug up to a depth of 300 mm. Organic fertilizers are laid at the bottom:

  • ash;
  • manure;
  • compost;
  • wet hay.
See also  Dates and methods of harvesting potatoes

After a few months, the nutrient pillow will settle, after which the tubers are planted. Seeds are placed in the wells at a distance of 0.3 m from each other, crushing loose soil from above. If you apply fertilizers in the fall, then during the entire season of development of additional fertilizing is not required. The surface is mulched and then watered.

К посадке в траншеи нужно готовиться с осени

You need to prepare for landing in trenches in the fall

The method is not popular in less hot regions, because there is a possibility of waterlogging of the culture. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to dig grooves around the edges to drain the moisture.

In the container

What is the required distance when planting potatoes in the boxes? Between the drawers retain passages from 60 cm to 90 cm, which must be mulched. The height of the structure must reach standard 300 mm, and the width – up to 1 m. The container is filled with fertilizers according to the scheme:

  • straw;
  • manure;
  • soil.

In one drawer no more than 2 rows are made, tubers are planted in a checkerboard pattern.The interval from one bush to another is 30 cm. Thanks to the technique, the plants receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation and preserve nutritional components, which allows to increase yield.

Planting Depth

There is also one important factor affecting the maximum return from plants. Depending on the variety and size of the seed, the optimal distance of the depth of the potato is calculated. Small specimens have an insignificant supply of nutrients, so professionals put them in pits up to 12 cm.

Huge tubers have enough energy that allows you to easily overcome planting over 100 mm. Dutch hybrids are grown on high beds – 0.2 m. Domestic selection is not ready for such experiments.

In addition to calculating the distance of potato beds, farmers do not always guess with depth. Germinated material is planted in holes that do not interfere with the processes. To prevent decay, when planting in parts, allow a minimum deepening.

It is imperative to ensure the same depth of planting of potatoes over the entire area of ​​the plot.

There are different requirements for different types of soil. Sealing up to 7 cm is suitable for clay, and loams and heavy soils require pits up to 10. In sandy loam lands, it is advised to place more than 11 cm in a hole. Knowledge of the features allows you to keep moisture and heat, as well as provide natural aeration of the roots.

Distance between tubers

Having determined what distance is needed between the beds of potatoes, it is easy to figure out the gap of root crops. According to technology, per 1 square. m plant about 6 pcs.

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If the row spacing is 70 cm, the distance between the holes will be 25 or 30 cm. Professionals call this indicator the width of the bayonet bayonet. This scheme offers a dense planting of bushes, which is not suitable for all farmers. Perhaps a decrease in yield, it will not be very comfortable to care for the bushes.

If the tubers are 60 cm apart, it is important to correctly calculate the usable area. Not always received figures will allow you to get the most out of it. With a considerable distance (up to 1 m), the tops are developing well, but they form little tubers.

The variety depends on the distance between the potato rows and root crops. For early varieties, a distance of up to 30 cm is relevant. Later versions are always planted over a large interval – from 35 to 45 cm.

Tips for beds

If there is no proper care for the crop , the correct distance when planting potatoes will not save you from crop loss.

Crop rotation in the garden makes it possible to prevent weakening of root crops. Potato beds are planted where friendly plants grew last season. Recommended crops include:

  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • carrots;
  • salad;
  • cabbage.

Choosing the optimal distance between the rows of potatoes, you need to remember that the line with furrows has a direction from north to south. Thanks to this trick, the sun will illuminate the bushes throughout the daylight hours. If you change the side, part of the culture will begin to fade from the heat, and part – to starve from a deficit of the sun.

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Marker for potato rows
Potato planting depth
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Before planting root crops, organic or mineral Fertilizers: sand makes the soil more airy, and ash enriches it with necessary microelements. Excess fertilizing during the season enhances the growth of tops, leaving small artichoke.

An important period in the development of crops is flowering. At this time, the plants provide thorough watering. A lack of moisture affects the volume of the final product. Stagnant fluid near the furrows and dimples is the cause of decay.

A rich harvest is the merit of an attentive farmer. Knowing the distance between rows when planting potatoes, it is easy to avoid common mistakes in cultivation.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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