The principle of planting potatoes according to the Mitlider method

Potato is an unpretentious product that does not require special efforts for growing, but still there are sometimes cases when the yield of a variety is poor, or rather very low. After such situations, people began to think about how to fix it, but at the same time did not use any chemical additives and began to come up with various methods.And one of them gained worldwide popularity – it is planting potatoes according to the Mitlider method. Growing potatoes is a simple matter, but achieving good yields in a small area is very difficult.

    1. What is the


  1. Positive aspects of the
  2. method of landing
  3. marking
  4. landing
  5. Proper care of the beds

Принцип посадки картофеля по методу Митлайдера

The principle of planting potatoes according to the mitlider method

What is it like The method is

Planting potatoes according to the Mitlider is designed specifically for small plots of land. The essence of the method is that every person with a small plot of land wants to get a high percentage of productivity, but just how to achieve this? Planting potatoes by Mitlider is becoming increasingly popular, as this problem has been resolved. Using this method, it is now possible to harvest more than 741 kg from 149 m2. This is quite enough to feed a family of 5 people all winter.

See also  Permissible depth for planting potatoes

In addition, today this method is very actively used not only in open areas, but in closed warm spaces.Even sometimes there are cases when people grow potatoes in crates at home. The method consists of four key rules:

  • rather narrow beds;
  • perfect cleanliness;
  • well-groomed “plot”;
  • neatness all your actions.

Also a feature of this method is the fact that all the beds are undergoing a continuous process of development of all vegetables. Seedlings are just beginning to rise on the first bed, the first seedlings on the fruits are beginning to appear, the third can already be harvested, and the fourth has already gathered all the possible crops and is preparing the ground for another “planting.”

Positive aspects of the method

The Mitlider method is distinguished by the following positive qualities:

  • on the one hand, a person can harvest several times a season, and absolutely different vegetables;
  • all plants that are planted by this method almost always ripen the same o and amicably;
  • also small areas give a high percentage of yield than standard rows, but they occupy half the space.

Narrow beds using this method take only only one third of the total area, but the percentage of productivity will rise by 11-18% than in the territory that will be seeded in the usual way. Many gardeners respond positively to this technique and assure that they get a lot more vegetables than a regular planting.As a result, you will receive 20% more crop, but at the same time you will cultivate a smaller plot of land, and also more land is freed for other expenses. A high percentage of yield is maintained due to constant watering, perfectly selected top dressing and, of course, good lighting, this is due to the fact that all rows are small, but with wide aisles.

See also  Motoblock when planting potatoes

How does the landing

Ровные ряды

Smooth rows

In order to plant potatoes, the site should be perfectly flat and well-lit, preferably throughout the day. This is very important, because potatoes are the kind of vegetables that the sun loves, so the yield directly depends on the sun’s rays and the heat that they give.

Before planting, the ground must be carefully dug up, you need it completely free from weeds and various rhizomes. This is very important, carefully review the entire territory of the site so as not to miss a single weed, since then it will violate everything, and you can forget about the high percentage of yield.


After this, it is necessary to begin such a process as marking the territory. You must drive in four corners around the perimeter of the stake, their height is usually 41 cm, and pull a rope between them, preferably strong.

Ordinary small beds are 0.47 m wide and 9.5 m long, and wide passages of 1 m should remain between the beds, at least. If you have a small area, then 0.7 m will be enough – it is not advisable to do less.

Since the bushes will overlap each other and at the same time create a shadow, if there is such a small distance, it will be quite enough behind them difficult to care for. If there is a slope in your garden, then it is recommended to make rows in several levels, so they will be of a horizontal type. Watering the bushes will be much more efficient and the care of the plant itself will be better, and as a result, the percentage of yield will be much higher.

See also  Fertilizing rules for potatoes in spring and autumn

If you understand that such a slope is very large, then it is recommended to make boxes – beds, their depth should be 21 cm. It is best to fill them with a non-real soil mixture. It can be sawdust, perlite or moss – sphagnum, also sand and pine bark. This improves the process of growing potatoes.


After you have made the marking of the entire garden, then you need to add fertilizer to the soil before sowing. Then you need to make bumpers from the ground, their height should be 11 cm.

Thanks to the bumpers, it will be much easier for you to do the irrigation process, also the water resource will be saved and it will be much easier to choose weeds.Between the sides themselves on the ground there must necessarily remain a flat surface of at least 31 cm wide between the holes in the same row and the depth of the holes from 7 cm to 11 cm.

Be sure to have 1.5 in each hole Art. l vermicompost, then put potatoes on top and level the hole.

Proper care of the beds

The first and most important rule of the mitlider method is that you need to carefully and carefully take care, constantly “feed” them with vitamins and minerals, and constantly remove all weeds that are just starting to sprout.

The mitlider method for tomatoes. Garden World site
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It is also necessary to constantly watch so that the soil under the potatoes never dries up and water it regularly. You need to give the plants additional nutrition only when they start to emerge be, and when they already grow to 16 cm, and then when the flowers begin to bloom on the bush.

Mitlider’s method is very effective, many gardeners began to use it, since it does not require a large area and at the same time gives a large percentage of yield . Growing potatoes is not an easy task, but thanks to the Mitlider method, everything is possible!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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