Necessary fertilizers for potatoes when planting in the hole

Rich potato harvest in the country, not a dream, but reality. You just need to make a little effort for this. In this gardener, special dressings will help, which are best used when planting potatoes. The most optimal way to increase the yield is fertilizer for potatoes when planting in the hole. The bulk of the plant is underground, so it is very important to fertilize the roots of potatoes.First of all, potatoes draw nutrients from the top layer of the earth. And if every year you do not feed your plantings with new portions of mineral and organic fertilizers, then the soil will quickly dry up. It is important to saturate the soil with fertilizers not only in spring but also in autumn, immediately after harvesting.

  1. Potato dressing
  2. Preparing for planting
  3. Organics for potatoes
  4. Bird droppings
  5. Humus
  6. Manure <
  7. Compost <
  8. Minerals for potatoes
  9. Amount of fertilizer needed
  10. Features of fertilizing the wells

Fertilizer for potatoes

The potato grows well on loamy, peaty soils and on black soil. But even on good land, a poor crop can be obtained if it is not periodically replenished with useful elements. Depending on what kind of soil you have in the garden and how long you have applied top dressing in it, the decision is made on what is better to fertilize the planting at the moment.

In general, potatoes are quite unpretentious, but if the soil is more fertile, then you will collect more crops.

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Fertilizers for potatoes when planting in the hole, require different. Fertilizers are divided by type (organic and minerals) and by the active element nitrogen, potassium, lime, phosphorus and micronutrient fertilizers. There are also simple and complex baits. There is only one useful element in simple dressings, there can be several useful ones in complex ones.

Preparing for planting

Before putting various dressings in the hole, you need to properly prepare the seed material for planting and choose a good and fertile place on your site. The landing site should be sunny. Seed only from trusted sellers. It is desirable that the seed potato was small in size and the variety you need. Choose a variety so that it suits your climate.

Also, instead of small potatoes, you can plant shares of large potatoes with “eyes”, but this is an extreme measure, as they may not germinate. For germination of seed material, it is better to put it in a warm and sunny place for a couple of days and wait until the “eyes” begin to hatch at the tubers. Please note that tubers do not need to be soaked in water, as there is enough moisture in the fruit itself. If it is wrong to prepare the seed material, it does not matter what fertilizer you put in the hole, planting may simply not give the desired crop.

Organics for potatoes

The advantage of organic dressings is their versatility. Organics for potatoes, it is better to pour when potatoes are planted along with fertilizers in the hole. In organics there are both macroelements and microelements. For example, in manure there are all the basic macroelements needed for the development of potatoes. Manure is indispensable as a source of nitrogen. In addition, the necessary trace elements such as boron, sulfur, manganese, vanadium, cobalt and magnesium are present in the manure.

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Organic fertilizing is also indispensable because they contain a humus substance obtained by the decomposition of organics. Soils with a high humus content are restored faster, they provide a quick flow of moisture and nutrients to the roots. The earth does not swamp, and at the same time, the water in it holds for a rather long time. Another indisputable plus in the soil with a high content of humus, better ventilation of the roots. Such soil serves as a breeding ground for the development of beneficial bacteria that positively affect the quantity and quality of the crop.

Organics allow you to absorb those minerals that were not previously absorbed by the plant, and vice versa to neutralize harmful ones. For example, excessively saline soils with the addition of organic top dressing reduce their harmful effects, and heavy metals, reacting with some organic fertilizers, form compounds that are not absorbed by plants and will not harm either potatoes or your health.When organic matter is decomposed, carbon dioxide is formed, which helps potato tubers develop actively.

Bird droppings

Bird droppings are considered to be the richest microelement. Fresh bird droppings immediately put into the ground is strictly prohibited, as you can burn the roots. Dilute bird droppings with water in a consistency of 1:15 and hold the resulting mass for 2-3 days in a warm place. The dose of the solution is one and a half liters per bush.

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Humus will increase the yield of plants

Humus is a rotted manure or compost for two or even several years. Outwardly, humus is similar to loose earth and smells of the same earthy smell. It is used as a protective coating for mulch, as well as when filling holes after planting potatoes. Humus contains a large number of minerals and organics, but it is absolutely safe. Humus is better to throw when planting potatoes in the spring right in the hole. To compare the effectiveness of humus, you can plant several rows of potatoes without adding fertilizer, and in other rows with the addition of humus. When you harvest, you will immediately notice by the volume and number of tubers how well it is to put the necessary fertilizers into the hole.


Manure is the most popular organic fertilizer.Manure is different and its effectiveness depends on which animal “produced” it. The best manure is considered rabbit, horse, elk, elephant, but the most common is cow. Manure is primarily nitrogen fertilizing, but it also has a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Immediately after the “exit from the cow”, young manure is dangerous for planting. Manure is best applied to the soil in the spring before planting seed tubers. After you have introduced manure into the soil, you can dig the earth. You will not spoil your planting with rotted manure.


Compost is a biomaterial that is obtained from food waste, tops and straw. In order to properly prepare it, first add compost to the pit with a lid and leave to rot. Over the winter, compost turns into a good fertilizer. Before planting potatoes, add a little compost to each well. The future harvest with such top dressing will be plentiful and healthy.

Minerals for potatoes

Mineral top dressings are valuable because they bring the necessary macro and micronutrients in a concentrated form.

The main macroelement without which potato cannot live is potassium. Therefore, the first and most important mineral fertilizer that gardeners use in the spring is wood ash. It contains a lot of potassium, in addition, with excessively acidic soil, ash reduces its acidity. Ash is also added to compost.

In addition, potash dressing is also potassium chloride, potassium salt and potassium sulfate.

Nitrogen dressing is primarily urea (urea) and nitrate. There are also fertilizers in the complex, such as ammophos and nitrophoska, which allow saturating the soil with several elements at once. Trace elements such as iodine, boron, vanadium, zinc, sulfur, magnesium and manganese are also necessary for potatoes. According to scientists, in order to grow 1 kg of ripe tubers, about 12.5 g of potassium, 5 g of nitrogen, 2 g of phosphoric acid and about 1.5 g of magnesium are needed.

Amount of fertilizer needed

  • If the land is fertile enough, then 2.5 kg of compost or superphosphate and 1.5 kg of any potash fertilizer are used per hundred square meters of soil.
  • If the soil is slightly scarcer, then 3 kg of rotted manure , nitrogen fertilizing 3 kg, phosphorus 4 kg and 2.5 kg potash.
  • If the soil is sparse, then you need to add humus to the soil in a proportion of 100 kg per hundred square meters.
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Os fertilizer application in the wells

Before applying fertilizing, the soil is first dug up. After that, holes deep in the ground are made from the bayonet of a shovel. In them, and you need to plant seed, which you will prepare in advance. We fertilize the hole with the selected fertilizing before planting, for example, wood ash plus humus in a proportion of 5 tbsp. ash and 0.8-1 kg of humus. Ash can be replaced with a tablespoon of nitrophoska and half a glass of bone meal.

Put the seed in the hole and fill it with soil.The dose of fertilizing should be calculated as accurately as possible so as not to harm the plantings. An excess of fertilizer, as well as its deficiency, can lead to a decrease in yield indicators. Every week we water the garden bed so that the plantings grow steadily and gain weight. Watering should be done abundantly during flowering, and after a flowering period to reduce watering.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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