The principle of growing potatoes in a barrel

Non-standard methods of growing potatoes are becoming increasingly popular among domestic gardeners. Growing potatoes in a barrel according to the technology is similar to the method of planting in bags.

  1. Preparatory stage
  2. Soil <
  3. Straws <
  4. Landing
  5. Care <
  6. Alternative methods

Принцип выращивания картофеля в бочке

The principle of growing potatoes in a barrel

A method of breeding in a barrel was invented by chance. A farmer dropped a tuber into a barrel. After some time, the fruit sprouted, but it was again covered with humus. When it came time to harvest, on a compost heap As a result, a peasant got almost a bag of excellent large tubers. After that, growing potatoes in a barrel began to gain popularity.

Advantages of the method

Growing potatoes in barrels has a lot of advantages over the standard method of planting in open ground. With 1 sq. m with normal care and timely top dressing collect a bag of high-quality tubers. The technology avoids problems with pests and various diseases. Even the worst disease, such as late blight, will not be able to harm the tubers of plants.

The main advantage is time saving, because you do not need to carry out additional weeding and hilling. Soil can be used several times in a row. After harvesting, it is loosened and siderata is introduced.In autumn, the soil is fertilized with organic compounds. Potatoes in a barrel can be planted at any convenient time of the year.

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Subject to all the rules, the plant develops a powerful root system that gives a rich harvest. The tubers of potatoes grown in a barrel are many times larger than those of growing in an open area. They began to grow potatoes in containers, they say that this is the most economical and promising method.

Preparatory stage

First, take the appropriate container. Initially, the barrel is steamed to avoid the spread of pathogenic bacteria. After that, a sufficient number of drainage holes are made in the bottom to ensure optimal air intake. Ideally, such holes are also made in the side walls of the barrel. This technique allows you to take control of the air permeability of the soil and the moisture level.

To grow potatoes in a barrel at the preparatory stage, a plastic tube with holes located 20 cm from each other is mounted in the bottom. The outer end of the tube is brought out. It is through it that watering and top dressing are performed. The pipe is laid along the bottom of the tank with a spiral. Oxygen is pumped into the pipe.


Growing potatoes in a barrel, as in bags, involves the use of nutritious soil mixtures, since tubers grow in an enclosed space.The soil taken from the garden, calcined in the oven: this will get rid of fungal diseases, pests and grow large potatoes.

Preparation of soil for growing potatoes in containers and bags begins in the fall. One of the following fertilizers is added to the soil:

  • urea;
  • superphosphates;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium mixture with ash.
See also  What fertilizer to feed the soil when planting potatoes

Soils with a high percentage of sand need additional fertilizer with sulfate or dolomite flour. Otherwise, the crop suffers from magnesium deficiency. When all preparations are completed, the container is placed in a specially designated place and the soil mixture is laid in it. For planting potatoes, compost and fertile soil are mixed in equal proportions.

Perfectly enrich the soil with fluorine and calcium egg shell solutions. To do this, fill 5 shells with water and stand for several days in a warm place. When a characteristic odor appears, the solution is ready to use. It is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Another available fertilizer method is potato peeling. They are laid at the landing stage. When skins are decomposed, the soil is enriched with micro and macro elements, as well as starch, vitamins and mineral salts. The soil is warming evenly, which allows you to quickly get full sprouts. The only negative is that they need to be applied more often than other fertilizers – a one-time feeding will be ineffective.


Для посадки сгодятся только здоровые клубни

For landing only healthy tubers

will fit, the material for planting is pre-treated with a chemical composition from insects, pests and fungi. There should already be eyes on the planting material, it is better that they are no more than 5 mm shoots, otherwise they will break when planting.

The tops of the leaves can be accelerated if dry branches are put to the bottom of the tubers or the grass. The main thing is to provide the plants with sufficient watering at the initial stage. The thicker the soil layer, the more often it needs to be watered.

See also  The principle of planting potatoes according to the Mitlider method


20 cm of soil are poured into the bottom, the potatoes are planted, a little crushed. About 10 cm of soil is poured on top of the tubers. As soon as the potatoes in barrels or bags give sprouts of 2-3 cm, they need to be sprinkled with soil again. The technology is to prevent the plant from forming a powerful ground part, otherwise the yield will decrease.

The earth is poured until its layer reaches a meter height. If you make it higher, the plant will not have time to develop high-quality tubers by the end of the season. Throughout the entire growth period, the plant is watered with a sufficient amount of water. In an enclosed space, the soil dries quickly. Growing potatoes in containers is simple, the main thing is not to allow the soil to dry out.


The technology for growing potatoes in containers or bags involves the use of mineral fertilizers throughout the entire growth period. In a confined space, the plant quickly picks up all the nutrients from the soil. During planting use:

  • manure;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • lowland peat;
  • siderate infusions.

When the sprouts reach 10-12 cm in height, they should be fed with potassium and nitrogen. It is more convenient to feed potato plantations in a barrel with liquid minerals. The bush takes about 1-2 liters. When urea is fed, the soil is oxidized, therefore, dolomite flour is used in combination with it.

See also  Seed potatoes and its varieties

Early potatoes are fed once, late-ripening varieties are fed 2 times. Potatoes in a barrel quickly absorb nutrients, it is not recommended to use too much nitrogen. It tends to accumulate in tubers, being converted to nitrates, which leads to a deterioration in quality indicators and significantly reduces the shelf life. Nitrogen-containing substances are used in combination with potassium.

When the flowering period ends, the potatoes in the containers are fertilized with a phosphorus-containing substance. Feeding technology allows you to redirect nutrients from the ground to the root. This method of cultivation does not require additional weeding and processing with chemicals.

You can understand that the potato is ready for harvesting by the tops: it changes color from green to yellow and dries. To harvest, you just need to flip the barrel.

How to grow potatoes in a barrel and increase the yield ?! – All be kind. Release 995 dated 04/05/17
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Potatoes in a barrel of myth or reality.

Alternative methods

There are 2 more similar cultivation methods that allow you to grow a rich harvest:

  • in compost pit;
  • in bags.

The principle of feeding them is the same. In a bag of soil, cuts are made where the tubers are planted. After the frost ends, the bag with seedlings is taken out onto the street. The main thing is to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

See also  How to store peeled potatoes

The method of growing in a pit is practiced in an open area. Dig a hole about 1 m deep. Further, the principle of planting and care is completely identical to the barrel method. Tubers with eyes are planted in the spring. The first sprouts are covered with compost mixed with soil. Such manipulations continue until the pit is completely filled.

Growing potatoes in a container is a relatively new technology. It has many advantages over all methods and is easily feasible in any area.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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