Why do lumps appear in piglets

Often farmers notice the appearance of strange cones in pigs and do not know what this may be connected with. In fact, several diseases can manifest themselves in this way. Cones in piglets indicate that there is some kind of inflammatory process in the body that has reached a purulent stage. The main thing to do in this situation is to figure out what exactly this can be.

  1. Possible variations of the appearance of bumps
  2. Abscess
  3. Appearance of an abscess
  4. Signs <
  5. Treatment
  6. Furunculosis <
  7. Treatment of the disease and prevention
  8. Conclusion

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Pig cones

Possible options for the appearance of cones

Today, doctors distinguish 2 main and common diseases in pigs that manifest themselves precisely through the appearance of cones, these are:

  • abscess ;
  • furunculosis.

Both diseases make themselves felt precisely in the form of a bump, which, among other things, can be located on the pig’s leg, directly on the bone. Veterinarians say that this is either a buildup and deposition of salts, or the result of an incorrectly fused broken leg.If a tumor is noticeable on any other part of the body, this means that the pig is undergoing an inflammatory process and needs urgent treatment before the disease becomes more severe.


This is a rather unpleasant and serious illness, och It’s painful for pigs. An abscess is a pathological disease that appears due to the fact that acute inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic staphylococcus occur in the body.Staphylococcus completely lags behind the walls of the tissue or is transferred through the blood, due to which neoplasms (bumps) of the abscess appear. They can sit not too far under the skin, which causes the animal incredible discomfort and pain, and in appearance they look like cones. A piglet at a young age up to a year can quickly die from such a disease.

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As mentioned earlier, such a disease has the appearance of a hemisphere. The disease begins in the form of a small edema of weak consistency, resembling a dough. The temperature of the pig will increase, the bump will also be hot, it will seem to slip away to the touch. If the disease is in the first stages, then you can use compresses, different poultices and all kinds of heating pads. Any massage and cold are strictly forbidden: this can lead to rupture of the pouch, which contains all the pus, and if it bursts, the disease will spread throughout the body along with the pus.

When the lump begins to fully mature , you must take the animal to a veterinary clinic so that specialists can make a small incision, remove all pus, and then treat the wound with an antiseptic. This procedure cannot be carried out on your own at home, as there is a high percentage of probability of infection of the pig.


The most common cause of the disease is a fight between animals, which often observed when pigs are kept in large herds.First, a small gap appears on the pig’s body, then it drags on, forming a scar under which the tumor appears. In addition, an abscess may be the result of some kind of disease: smallpox, pneumonia, or even the usual biting of the tail. Care must be taken to prevent the wound from appearing on the nose: this is very serious and can cause the pig to lose his ability to breathe.

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The multiple appearance of an abscess excessively depletes the animal’s body, and therefore, after a couple of months of regular illness, the animal usually dies. After this, the pig carcass cannot be used: it will be infected.


In order to diagnose the disease, one must find the tumor itself. Then it must be very carefully, but carefully felt, to understand how deep it is and whether there is liquid inside it. To understand how serious everything is, you have to take the liquid from the bump for analysis. In order for the pig to not be hurt, it needs to be administered a sedative.

The sample should be taken only with a syringe with an 18 mm needle. Then you need to enter the needle at the lowest point in the cone and pump out a little fluid from there. The abscess fluid can be of different colors:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • green.

The structure of the liquid will be resemble a watery or curd base.


It is necessary to completely remove the pus so that the infection does not spread further.Most often you need to contact the veterinarian. To cope with the bump, the doctor makes a small incision (14-18 ml) in its lowest part. After that, he introduces a scalpel and “opens” it. Pus is removed and the wound is disinfected. In order not to get a new bump, the wound does not need to be tightly closed within 3-4 days: this will allow the pus to come out completely.

The harmful bacteria that cause the disease are quite sensitive to penicillin or oxytetracycline. If the cone area is very inflamed, you need a cream containing antibiotics. In the period of exacerbation, constant injections should be made.


This disease is most often found in piglets under the age of one year. The disease appears due to the ingestion of staphylococcus. It causes severe irritation and damage to the hair sac, as a result of which purulent necrotic diseases appear. A boil is a very painful bump. It causes discomfort when walking and constantly hurts like hell. The pain that the pig will experience if it accidentally lies on this neoplasm can be compared with a sharp stab in the body with a knife. A distinctive feature of the boil is that it has a noticeable core. It appears extremely rarely on the nose, so there is no need to worry about the ability to breathe in this case.

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The disease appears due to the fact that pigs are not completely hygienic to clean skin.The main causes of the onset of the ailment are:

  • improper and rough combing;
  • dysfunction of all sebaceous glands;
  • any previously received mechanical damage;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Treatment of the disease and prophylaxis

The places where the bumps appeared should be treated with iodine solution, saltsovy alcohol 2- interest, as well as green. To completely or at least partially relieve inflammation, you need to constantly apply bandages with ichthyol ointment, another good way is paraffin therapy. However, these methods allow only a brief relief of symptoms; in any case, the animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic. Any boil should always be opened and removed immediately, it is impossible to deal with them in any other way.

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After the boil has been completely removed, the guinea pig needs to add antibiotics to the feed so that all the pig systems of the body can cope with the disease. it should heal quickly and well.


Pig cones can indicate the appearance of several diseases, but all of them appear due to a negligent attitude to the living conditions of the animal.The prevention of cones is simple: just remember to bathe your pets and keep them warm.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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